Week #6 Indie Travel Manifesto

Bootsnall has been addictive for me lately.  With the recent Indie Travel Challenge, it has given me tons to think about and of course write about in relation to travel.  This is such a perfect time for me given my new travel endeavors and upcoming travel goals.

When thinking about traveling,  I don’t really ever give much thought to what I want to get out of the travel. The planning always involves the sights, places, food.  It rarely touches on what I hope to attain on a personal level.  Travel for me is really all about what is attained on a personal level.  It goes beyond seeing things and taking tours and finding new experiences.  Its about opening my eyes to a different way of living.  A different way of interacting with each other.  A different way to experience the world.  It’s about learning more about myself.  Facing challenges and learing to react.  Expecting the un-expected and living in it, enjoying it.

Bootsnall published the Indie Travel Manifesto this week and the more I read it and look through it to more I feel like I relate to it.  I am hoping to take each of the items listed out in the manifesto and discuss them.  With my upcoming South America Travels, this may take a backseat but it ‘feels’ important to me.  A way for me to get inside my head a little and understand a little better.  Writing has always been that for me….a way for me to understand me.  If I can share my revelations, thoughts, mistakes and help someone else get inside their own head a little bit, then even better.